

The Carter and Moyers 教育学院 boasts a robust history of achievement through our alumni, 谁继续领导教育. 阅读更多澳门威尼斯人赌城我们的特色校友下面.


K_Gaines凯文·盖恩斯, 2007 LMU EdS graduate has been named a finalist for Principal of the Year for the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals. The finalists' application includes an extensive review of the performance of their school based on data provided by The Principal of the Year program recognizes principals that excel in educational leadership, 解决复杂问题, 发展自我和他人, 以及社区服务.

  •   科里传奇霍奇

    Corey Legend Hodge earned his master's degree in initial teacher licensure from LMU in 2019 and teaches 4th grade at Maynard Elementary in Knox County, 田纳西州. Born in Marietta, Georgia, and raised in East Knoxville he has recently published a novel. As the Sun Smiles pulls from Corey's personal life and has urban and national relevancy. Corey is currently employed in an inner city school and he is the founder of the Legends of Knoxville Scholarship, 他也在经济上支持这项计划. Corey's life story is a powerful example of the power of overcoming personal obstacles to achieve success

  •   KERENSA翼
    Kerensa Wing is a graduate of the LMU Educational 领导 教育专家 program. 她现任柯林斯山高中校长. She was recently announced as the 2020 National Principal of the Year, 2019年, 她被评为乔治亚州年度校长.
  •   哈雷李


    哈雷李 was selected from almost 700 applicants to serve as a 2019-2020 田纳西州 Educator Fellowship. Haley is a current EdS student and a graduate of LMU'sInitial Teacher Licensure Undergraduate (ITLU) Program.


  •   艾米ADKINS


    Amy Adkins是LMU EdS项目的毕业生, and she has just become East Ridge Middle School's Teacher of the Year. She is a sixth grade language arts teacher and has been teaching for six years, 在她目前职位上的最后五年.

  •   莫里斯·格兰杰

    格兰杰Dr. 莫里斯·格兰杰已被任命 首席学校心理学家亚特兰大公立学校. He serves as a liaison between the Coordinator of Psychological Services and the School Psychologists within the district to develop departmental procedures, consult regarding legal cases and GA DOE special education regulations, 指导新心理学家, 并制定策略以提高地区依从性. 另外, setting up a meeting with the Director of the Atlanta Mission Shelter (location where the subjects in his dissertation were interviewed) as the Director requested an electronic copy of his dissertation in order to identify possible implications and recommendations he might be able to draw from the document.

  •   特伦特CLAGG

    特伦特特伦特Clagg, a Training Specialist at the Naifeh Center for Effective 领导, 在IPS年会上获得“地平线奖”. This award is given to an outstanding employee with less than three years of service. The IPS announcement notes that recipients must demonstrate a positive attitude, 显示项目, 有团队精神, and exemplify excellence in performance based on their job duties and responsibilities. 特伦特Clagg graduated from LMU with a Master of Education degree in 2015.

  •   拉里·特里普

    特里普Dr. Larry 特里普 was named Georgia Association For Career And Technical Education Teacher Of Year. He's a Dalton Public Schools work-based learning coordinator and was among 35 career and technical, and agricultural education educators who were honored by the Georgia Association for Career & Technical Education during its annual summer conference in Athens, Ga. He graduated with his 教育专家 Degree from LMU in 1998.

  •   斯蒂芬妮DALLMANN
    Stephanie Dallmann was named to ESL supervisory role with Hamblen schools. She was a former English as a Second Language teacher and district instructional coach. 她有一个Ed。.S. in Administration and Supervision from Lincoln Memorial University which she achieved in 2010.
  •   迈克尔•威廉姆斯

    威廉姆斯Michael 威廉姆斯 graduated from Lincoln Memorial University with his 教育专家 degree and was recently picked to be the next superintendent of the Madison County School System. He began his education career as a physical education teacher and coach at Banks County Middle School. 他后来担任班克斯县高中的体育主任, and he became assistant principal of Banks County High School in 2005. 他于2010年成为班克斯县小学的校长, 然后在2014年到麦迪逊县担任助理警司.

  •   鲍比·班尼特

    班尼特Bobby 班尼特 has an Undergraduate degree, MEd in EAS, and Counseling and Guidance all from LMU.


    图片提交米德尔斯伯勒高中-校长鲍勃贝内特, 左, stands with Congressman Hal Rogers at the 2017 National Association of Secondary School Principals Awards in the nation's capitol. 贝内特被授予NASSP肯塔基州年度校长奖. During his visit, 班尼特 and Rogers discussed teacher recruitment, retention and retirement.

  •   布莱恩你

    你的Brian 你的 is a 2008 graduate of the 教育专家 degree progam here at LMU. 他是金斯波特罗宾逊中学的现任校长, and he has now accepted the role of President of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). 自2003年以来,他一直是NAESP的成员, 2012年至2013年在公司章程审查委员会任职. He has also been a member of the 田纳西州 Principals Association since 2003, 他从2009年到2011年担任总统.

  •   史蒂文王

    课程 & 指令


    毕业后,Steven Wang在Org做了一名主持人. 我的. 历史学家年会, 普罗维登斯, RI, 4月7日, 2016; Region 8AAAA Literary Coordinator 2015 - 16; Coach of 2016 US Extemporaneous Qualifier to Nat. Sp. & 辩论协会全国锦标赛, 盐湖城, UT, 6月12日至17日, 2016年(通常是世界上最大的学术竞赛).
